For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,
Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in the present world;
Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works.
Something about Hymns,
this Website
and Me
I have always admired people who could play the guitar by ear. Unfortunately I am not one of them. Having seen people pick up and play the guitar with ease and wanting to be able to do that, I decided to enrol in Yamaha Music School. I spent six months doing the fundamental guitar class and then another three months on classical guitar before I dropped out because of the 'O' level examinations. After that I played on and off on my own.
Joined the NUS Guitar Ensemble from 2nd year onwards. There, I had the opportunity to see and play with some talented guitarists, people who spent lots time on the instrument as well as having talent for music. Alex Abisheganaden was the conductor of the ensemble then. I remember in one of the music camps, he showed how we can take a tune like "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and make it into a solo arrangement by adding variations to the tune.
Guitar took a back seat when I started work and I played even less when the children came. It was only when they were older that I decided to take it up again. This was in late 2004.
I wanted to play some hymns and started looking for solo guitar arrangement for hymns on Amazon. Bought one that is published by Mel Bay but it did not have the songs I wanted. So I thought I could give it a try at doing solo guitar arrangement on some of these hymns. This is how all these arrangements here came about. Recently I have started converting them to tabs so that more people can play them.
If you like my arrangements and want to see more, you can motivate me by making a donation to this site to keep it going. But I have to let you know I am not too good at this thing called music. I am still learning. I guess we all are.

Enjoy and have fun with these arrangements.

God Bless!

About Me

Name: SH Goh
Home: Singapore

About Me:
Well, it is all there on the main page, "Something about Hymns, this Website and Me" ...

If you like to write to me, you can email me at Please put the word 'Scrapbook' in your subject line or I may not read it. I receive tons of junk mail and if 'Scrapbook' is a word on the subject line, I will know it is about this website. Appreciate your understanding.

My Scores/Tabs
 - pdf All The Way My Savior Leads Me
pdf Day By Day
 - For You I Will Live
 - pdf Higher Ground
 - I Know Whom I Have Believed
pdf Jesus Paid It All
 - pdf Jesus Shall Reign
pdf Near The Cross
pdf Not I, but Christ
pdf O Perfect Love
 - pdf Redeemed
pdf Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us
 - pdf Take My Life & Let It Be
pdf Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord
 - pdf Thanks To God
 - The Comforter Has Come
pdf The Old Rugged Cross
pdf There Is A Fountain
pdf Trust And Obey
pdf Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
pdf What A Friend We Have In Jesus